w9: Its often said by teachers that “Wikipedia is a good place to start, but a bad place to finish” why? LiuXinlei

 Its often said by teachers that “Wikipedia is a good place to start, but a bad place to finish” why?

In terms of the comprehensiveness of the content, we have to admit the advantages of Wikipedia. For example, Wikipedia is undoubtedly my first choice when I don't understand an event at all. It is convenient, fast and comprehensive, and I can spend the least time to understand the whole content of this fact as comprehensively and neutrally as possible. But in the process of in-depth learning, Wikipedia can only be used as an introductory content, because in learning we need to understand this fact as much as possible, and we need to understand the different views of scholars in different regions on the same event. There will be different theories. Some theories seem to be not neutral or even discriminatory or ethnographic at present (such as Marxism and Marxism in China), and it is not suitable for Wikipedia. Be shown. In short, Wikipedia has a very low threshold for users. It assumes that you don’t know the content of the subject at all, and use popular or simple explanations as much as possible to complete the description of this fact. However, in academics, it needs It is detailed and comprehensive literature and reports, so I think teachers recommend Wikipedia as a simple and comprehensive introductory material, but it is not the ultimate goal in the learning process.


  1. I agree with you. I think it's highly likely that someone who watches Wikipedia articles is a stranger to the subject. It's really good to use Wikipedia without knowing anything at first, but professional books will be more helpful to find more specific information.

  2. I agree with you too.Through the professor's class, I trust in the credibility of Wikipedia even more than before. Wikipedia consists of tens of millions of entries. Almost every item is objectively expounding the truth. If you wish to explore an event or name in depth, you must go up to the academic level. Wikipedia can only satisfy our daily popularization of knowledge and has not risen to the hypothetical level. So Wikipedia is a good place to start, but a bad place to finish.


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