The Puzzle of Openness / 최재민

 1. summary

Wikipedia is a highly accessible and open dictionary content that is easily accessible to many people. In Wikipedia, many people formed a society through various social activities. Also, the characteristics of the open community have open content, transparency, integrity, an so on. We should have a sense of responsibility and trust to protect the value of transparency and integrity.

2. interesting

In fact, I was familiar with Wikipedia's openness. However, in fact, the most important thing that Wikipedia should strive to protect its credibility is not Wikipedia itself, but Wikipedia users.
Maybe Wikipedia itself felt like a Wikipedia user.It was so impressive that Wikipedia was an open dictionary with the same provider and recipient of information.

3. discussion

What is a reasonable way for Wikipedia to secure user reliability and accountability? Now, of course, administrators continue to manage document environments, but the number of administrators is far smaller than the number of users.


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