W4: (Extra credits) What are the pros and cons of using Naver versus Google for research purposes?

Although Google has 83% of the global search market share, there are still some countries that are not controlled by Google Search. For example, Naver is South Korea's number one search engine, occupying more than 70% of the search market.

1) Summary

➽ The difference of the original search interface - Google advantages/Naver disadvantages.

Naver’s original search interface is richer, showing multiple modules and advertising pages of Naver’s popular products. Since the multifunctional module is displayed and the advertising page accounts for a certain percentage, the comfort of use may be reduced. However, the original Google search interface is relatively simple, retaining the functions of the search box and the content that can be added to shortcuts, making it more comfortable to use.

➽ Different search algorithms - Naver advantage/Google advantage. 

Naver's search algorithm is built around Korean, which helps Naver provide more relevant results than Google in many cases, because Korean grammar is completely different from English grammar. For example, we searched for 이브닝가운 (evening dress) on Naver and Google. We can see that Naver returns 3 knowledge encyclopedia results, 5 news results, 5 professional information results (PDF documents), 3 video results and 5 image results on its homepage. 

In contrast to the luxurious results page of Google and Naver, we only see 5 image results and 1 news result here, and the remaining results are very similar in the two SEs (mainly from blogs).

I think Naver is more familiar with the details of the Korean network and language, so it can provide better results. Each part of Naver search (knowledge search, blog and cafe search, news search, etc.) has its own algorithm. However this algorithm is only applicable in South Korea. But Google also has an advantage in search algorithms. It is applicable to many countries and has a common optimization formula. Because the English language family is the universal language of the world, Google focuses on search. As long as it can provide rich English language results, it can easily win with almost no strong competitors. At present, tens of thousands of people around the world use more than 100 languages to search through Google every day.

➽ Crawling and indexing - Google Advantages/Naver Disadvantages

Naver is not as good at crawling and indexing as Google. This is a completely opposite problem with Google. Google is constantly changing its algorithm to better continue crawling and indexing websites.

2) Interesting thing

In Naver I found a very interesting thing. As long as it is related to the search category, Naver puts its soft green search box on top. On the home page, we also found that the top of the search bar is green and soft. One of Naver's overall emphasis on the theme is: search and life. Search is to make life easier for Koreans. Google also has some of this thinking, but it is to make life easier for Americans.

3) Problem

If you look at Google and Naver from the perspective of digital marketing, which one do you think is better?


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