W4. Good Faith Collaboration / 최재민
1. summary
The writer says culture as the way people live.
People live in a society in a variety of ways, and culture is created in them. Among the many concepts that arise in society, cooperation and conflict resolution have quite similar meanings. In Wikipedia, conflict and cooperation all occur, and this is not a bad thing. People create reliable documents in conflict and cooperation in a society called Wikipedia.
2. interesting
It seemed very theoretical, but it was impressive that conflict and cooperation were on the same page.
I expect that the two conceptual definitions themselves are not similar, but both have similar social implications for creating ultimately more reliable articles.
3. discussion
But I don't think I've ever figured out exactly the type of conflict that arises within Wikipedia. What kind of conflict does Wikipedia have?
Hello, I think although wiki insists on neutrality, there is a collective bias.Perhaps academically, wikipedia can be roughly neutral, because the existing science is accepted by most.But sensitive content is less "free".Such as cultural differences, political beliefs, regional differences and so on.wiki content is clearly more media-rich countries.