W4: What are the pros and cons of using Naver versus Google for research purpose? / Lee ye han


Naver and Google are famous sites that are used a lot for information retrieval. I think they both have different strengths and weaknesses.

First of all, Naver is a famous Korean portal site, which is used the most, so it is easy to use because it is familiar and well adapted. Suitable for light searching or information acquisition. Also, it is convenient to check information by category.

But the downside is that Naver has too many advertisements. If you search for a particular word, the advertisement comes up first before you get an explanation for it. In addition to Powerlink, there are many posts of inaccurate information such as blogs and cafe posts, so it is not easy to filter out high-quality information.

Unlike Naver, Google can be relatively unobstructed by advertisements because only search windows exist on the main screen.

Also, the advantage is that there is more specialized data and the amount of data is huge.

However, vast amounts of data can be a disadvantage. It's not easy to find the information I need because there's so much data. The downside is that more efforts are made to get the desired data, and it can take time.

The two sites can complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, so you can get good information by mixing them properly.


Interesting point

Considering the pros and cons of both Naver and Google sites, it was interesting to see that they looked similar but had different. This is because the strengths and weaknesses of each site seemed complementary to each other.

Naver had a "real-time search term" function, which made public opinion stronger, but it recently disappeared. I wonder if information bias will decrease in the future and the functionality of search engines will increase.


Discussion point

There is a saying that children these days get information by searching on YouTube, not Naver or Google, if they have any questions. As such, YouTube is not only used to watch simple video content but also to search sites.

Why has YouTube started to be used as a search platform? Will it be able to grow into a search site as much as Naver and Google?


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