W4.1 Good Faith Collaboration / Kim Yoon(김윤)


A writer defines culture as "the way people live." Within a community, people set up various systems, such as creating meaning from understanding and acting with each other. Among the many concepts that emerge in the community, "collaboration" is similar to the word "conflict resolution". Collaboration and conflict also occur in Wikipedia, a community, which is not necessarily bad. There is a red link in Wikipedia, which makes it a great place for people to complement and collaborate in the process, to promote collaboration within the community. Wikipedia has also a neutral position, which means that people are trying to create objective articles. If an article that affects objectivity appears, people mark the article as "There is an element of conflict" and try to resolve the dispute in a communication space. Of course, it is difficult to define objectivity and to maintain objectivity. People make and accumulate articles with trust toward each other in a community called Wikipedia. A community's culture of cooperation is an important factor in determining what the community's future is.


I've never had a dispute or collaboration with people I don't know on Wikipedia to make the content of articles better, but if I have a chance, I want to participate in it and make a better world together in a global community, Wikipedia, as shown in this article.


Do you think objective articles exist? How can we determine whether it is objective or not? And is that judgment also a reliable tool?


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