W4.2 The Puzzle of Openness / Kim Yoon(김윤)


The trolls in Wikipedia are, in a way, the driving force behind good articles. As it is a highly open community, there are advantages and disadvantages of the inflow of trolls. Early Wikipedia was similar to anarchy. This chapter deals with the characteristics of Wikipedia's openness and whether Wikipedia is really open.
Wikipedia users share common norms and rules. It also depends on each other and gives and receives feedback in a friendly way. Wikipedia has the characteristics of open content, transparency, integrity, non-discrimination, defenselessness, and good. Nevertheless, Wikipedia has many controversies, and some experts sometimes liken it to a disaster-ridden place. What is required is the balance between openness and high quality. However, in the process of preventing Wikipedia from simply becoming an anarchic space, access to innocent Wikipedia accounts is sometimes blocked.
Wikipedia has "anyone" access, but it must wisely specify the scope of "anyone." That way, we can make a high-quality encyclopedia.


I thought Wikipedia would be well received in that it would be easily accessible to people who might be left out of information, but I learned that many people were concerned about certain aspects of Wikipedia than I expected. And I am reminded that the essence of Wikipedia is to go to a "quality encyclopedia," and I agree that in order to do so, it needs to be able to wisely distinguish between trolls and clumsy but authentic accounts among many accounts.


Earlier in the text, it was said that sometimes innocent Wikipedia accounts are blocked from accessing. Wouldn't Wikipedia be able to block access to unclear, seemingly unreasonable accounts, and then reverse discrimination comes from people?


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