w4:“The Puzzle of Openness”


Wikipedia’s claim of openness is seen in its motto: “Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.”This makes there must be terrible rumors in Wikipedia. Wikipedia has not helped this confusion given its primary rule of “Ignore All Rules.”  Wikipedia is an open content community.Here, why "jointly participate in discussions and decision-making, and share some practices that both define and be restored by the community".Sharing a collaborative culture.In addition, the Wikipedia community can be further understood as "pro-social" because it exhibits voluntary and beneficial behaviors. Specifically, as an open content community, Wikipedia is characterized by sweeping content, transparency, integrity, non-discrimination, and non-interference.


I am quite interested in the English Wikipedia declares itself as “the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.”see if it is really a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit?In terms of Wikipedia's editing form, it looks just like this.Just like in Wikipedia, people who don’t have an account or who are anonymous can edit it.


Wikipedia is said to be editable globally. When it comes to content between countries, all countries have positions. It was changed by various people. Who determined the final content?

My point of view: Wikipedia is editable worldwide. When it comes to country content, all countries have their positions, and of course they have been modified by many people. So it will never be accurately defined, it will be out in changed all the time. So please remember that the slogan of Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia, not an authoritative encyclopedia.


  1. Hi, 진신.
    I was able to organize the lectures I took once more easily after seeing your summary. It is interesting that Wikipedia claims that openness and freedom are contradictory. I think it's hard to satisfy both sides when problems arise. But we will have to keep balancing. Just as the real-name system can balance openness with the qualitative value of information, I think 'equality, transparency..' is the same. I think the values that Wikipedia pursues are not separately divided, but all connected.


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