Week3: Nazis and Norms


Wikipedia is a multilingual online encyclopedia and a community. The encyclopedia, at any given point, is only a snapshot of the ongoing conversation in the community. Importantly, it sometimes reveals a "collaborative culture of integrity." Wikipedia is a realization — even if flawed — of the historic pursuit of a universal encyclopedia: a technology-inspired vision seeking to wed increased access to information with the greater human accord. 


The noteworthy point is the case that the model represented by "Wiki" actually extracts two groups from the entire human race. One is to assist content to the platform through collaborative editing, and the other is to ensure funds through donations to support the normal operation of the platform. Under the asymmetric cooperation of these two groups, the beneficiaries are the most extensive anthropological group. In a sense, this should be the most ideal and most expressive way of content operation since the birth of the Internet. But from a pragmatic point of view, only Wikipedia is successful in achieved this.


Now the development of Wikipedia has entered a more complex stage. With the increase of its influence, the progress of Wikipedia has also encountered many problems. The number of editors has decreased, and the gender is imbalanced, the content has been maliciously tampered with or destroyed, the fundraising amount has been too large and has not been used effectively, etc. As an open and free encyclopedia, people are allowed to question and criticize accordingly. This also reflects people's expectations of Wikipedia as a beautiful thing from another angle. However, it is gratifying that under the term "Wikipedia", we can still see all the doubts and criticisms about itself. This is shown that Wikipedia still has a free and open nature.

What is your view on the status qua of Wikipedia?


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