W6: How important are contributions of a single individual in the sea of "collective intelligence"? /진신

 Through Clay Shirky's speech "Institutions VS.collaboration", his predictive speech described how closed groups and companies will be replaced by loose systems. In this loose system, small devotees play a big role, and flexible collaboration will replace strict planning.

Via video: Every group is made up of individuals. Only the gathering of small dedication can produce "collective intelligence".

Wikipedia depends on the Internet. We often worry that social media platforms will quickly "fall" as the user base rapidly expands. The reason is that the content of these products does not exist or it is difficult to form a "solidified" theoretical consensus, which is accepted by new users. Therefore, every new entrant may raise the old question again. As a result, a lot of repetitive and meaningless content is produced, which dilutes the density of high-quality content. Wikipedia was born to solve this problem. Each "item" is the condensation of the consensus reached by all historical contributors to this concept. New contributors must use this as a starting point to expand or rewrite. When a newcomer finds that what he wants to say is completely contained in the historical version, he will clearly realize that he cannot make a contribution, and then turn to other items to seek contributions, or simply opt out.


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