W8: Reliability of Wikipedia /허소희(Heo Sohee)

1. Summary

 Wikipedia also allows editing of living people. As a result, biographies of people, biased writings about life, and defamation writings appear. On subjects that are not answered correctly, such as social science and culture, incorrect information is sometimes written or biased. As a result, Wikipedia itself is not considered a reliable reference. In particular, researchers, teachers, and journalists also avoid using Wikipedia. Therefore, the references, citations and sources under Wikipedia are a valuable beginning for Wikipedia.

This may be because Wikipedia allows anonymous editing and does not require an author's identity or email address.

2. Interesting Point

It is interesting that anyone can write down his information about a living person, but on the other hand, there are scary parts. This is because you can gather information that exists in the world about someone and even parts that you don't want to disclose on your own can be published on Wikipedia. I think the right not to reveal and not to publicize should be given the same standard to celebrities.

3. Discussion Point

As I wrote on an interesting point, I think there should be a clear provision for writing information about a particular person. I think people should think from a different perspective about parts that can be interpreted in various ways such as situations, phenomena, and cultures. Isn't the right not to let anyone know a right?


  1. about 3)
    I agree with you to some extent! I hope there are clear rules when writing about celebrities or historical figures that can be interpreted in various ways. Also, the right not to be informed seems a little vague. In the case of sensitive cases or scandals, most of them are not known because they are intended to be known, but because they are inevitably known by others.

  2. It was interesting because it seemed to be a new perspective.
    I also think there should be clear regulations on writing information about a particular person. I think we should think about whether what others wrote about a person may not be true, and even if it is true, we have the right to disclose it.


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