W8 : What do you find difficult and most enjoyable when editing Wikipedia?

1. What do you find difficult?

What I find difficult is what Wikipedia’s editing methods are. I mean in my opinion, there are some usual ways of editing Wikipedia. I had an experience about realizing Wikipedia’s own ways. I have edited an article about one of K-pop idols, ITZY and I thought it was okay to write their birthdays under the names of its members. However, someone deleted my edits about the birthdays so I was wondering why she or he deleted my edits. Turns out, on the list of member’s names, we normally have to write only their names, not other information. Then I realized why my edits were deleted. At first, I did not know the usual ways of editing but as I am used to editing Wikipedia, I realized them.

2. What do you find most enjoyable?

What I find most enjoyable is to feel proud of my edits and myself. Whenever I edit some articles and see my list of contributions to Wikipedia, I feel so proud of them. Moreover, I feel a sense of being professional about the subject which I am interested in. This makes me feel proud of myself because I feel like I am improving.


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