W8: Why Wikipedia is the most efficient of all attempts to collect and organize the "sum total of human knowledge."

1) Various efforts to gather people's knowledge into one place

For a very long time, like the Gutenberg Project, an attempt to archive all books, human knowledge, in one place, continued. Even the above project is in progress. It is very valuable to bring together the things that are scattered here and there in print. However, despite these attempts, technical problems and differences in values ​​of each person did not result in a successful completion. However, the launch of Wikipedia was successful because it was accompanied by the advent of the Internet, that is, technology and, according to some, "free time".


2) Why Wikipedia is the most efficient means

Wikipedia wasn't the first attempt to unite people's knowledge. There have been so many attempts, but among them, Wikipedia is the most successful in "technology". In the past, there was a lack of technology to actually implement these attempts, and there was a limit to actually creating ideals. However, now, with the development of Internet 2.0 and becoming a participatory platform, this has become possible. It is a very attractive point for people to be able to easily record their knowledge in a space where everyone can see it anytime, anywhere in these days. In other words, because technology and living environment fit together well, Wikipedia works as the most effective means of combining knowledge.


3) Points to think about

Could there be a space for more efficient knowledge aggregation than Wikipedia? Currently, the number of Wikipedia users is declining. This means that Wikipedia is less attractive to people than it was a few years ago. How will the future technology and the Internet flow, and what type of platform will it fit?


  1. Minkyo, I read your article well. Your analysis is very well understood. I was surprised to think similarly to my discussion point. In my opinion, video is more attractive to people than text in this era, so the number of users decreases. Even in the case of Korea, there are statistics that people search on YouTube rather than Naver when searching for knowledge, so Wikipedia seems to have to overcome the limitations related to video.


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