W8. Why Wikipedia is the most efficient of all attempts to collect and organize?

 W8. Why Wikipedia is the most efficient of all attempts to collect and organize? 

Why is wikipedia so successful?

Shinhee Kim

 Keeping information in writing was very important for human development. It was the driving force to move forward without repeating the same mistakes. As more and more such information becomes available, it becomes increasingly important to collect and organize them. Thus, several attempts have been made to collect information. Before the development of the network, various encyclopedias collected various knowledge, and after the development of the network, these attempts were made more actively. However, the site that gathered representative information from around the world became 'Wikipedia'. Why did this result appear?

 With the development of the Internet, the amount of information has grown beyond comparison. Such information was absolutely unreasonable for individuals to collect alone. Then, as many people as possible must gather to collect and organize information, and Wikipedia created such a platform and made it easy for anyone to access. I think that lowering the barriers to entry and freeing them to gather people, but clearly stating the source so that they can be trusted, was a factor that made it possible to create many users and succeed globally.

 Currently, Wikipedia is overwhelmingly ranked first, but if a site that threatens it comes out, what are their characteristics? I would like to discuss what might threaten Wikipedia.


  1. First of all I very much agree with your point of view. This feature that anyone can edit is the advantage and disadvantage of Wikipedia. The authenticity of the content and the reliability of the source cannot be fully guaranteed; differences, disputes, and editorial battles will always exist.


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