W8.2 Wikipedia: Reliable sources / Kim Yoon(김윤)


This article deals with sources that Wikipedia should and shouldn't cover. Wikipedia should be based on a reliable source, and if the source is unreliable, no articles should be made about it. Whether or not the subject of the article has neutrality, it should be removed if the article about 'people' contains contentious content. However, in the rest of the field, some  articles sometimes deal with a positive view of non-neutral sources. This is because for Wikipedia's diversity, sometimes non-neutral sources can also help to show people a variety of perspectives. In the meantime, 'untrusted' sources are sources that have not been properly fact-checked or edited. Or sponsored sources are often not good sources. People need to develop the ability to make a straight line between reliable and 'untrusted' sources.


As I often used Wikipedia, it was often difficult to distinguish which sources were reliable and which were not useful, but after reading this article, I felt useful because I had an insight to see them.


Do you have your own way of distinguishing whether the source is reliable or not?


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