W9. Do you think wikipedia is reliable? why or why not?

 Do you think Wikipedia is reliable? why or why not?

Shinhee Kim

  I think Wikipedia can be trusted. However, I think it is difficult to use it to prove any fact. Since Wikipedia's materials are gathered by revealing the source, it can be a reference site. However, not all content has been written from reliable sources. So we are often not allowed to bring material from Wikipedia when teaching or writing reports at school.

  So, how does Wikipedia go through to become a more reliable site than it is now? One suggestion is to make the review system double. The content written by the first author is written in blue, indicating that the content has not yet been reviewed. And if someone else reviews the content once more through the review system and it turns out that it is the correct content and a reliable source, it is displayed in black. Wouldn't people be more trustworthy if we could distinguish things that we could trust like this? I'm curious about other people's opinions.


  1. Oh! I heard your opinion. I focused on Wikipedia's external factors to use Wikipedia as a source, and you focused on Wikipedia's internal factors. It was interesting because it was something I didn't think of. As you said, if the review system is implemented, I think there will be more confidence in the information. I personally thought that in order for us to use Wikipedia as a source in Korea, many people need to use Wikipedia to build trust in the Wikipedia system. It seems that Korea is still negative that ordinary people, not experts, accumulate information directly, and the low use of Wikipedia seems to be a reason why Wikipedia is difficult to use as a source.


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