W9: Thoughts after reading "Wikipedia:List of hoaxes on Wikipedia". WANG XIAOLING, 왕효령

 1) Summary

Wikipedia has many tools for contributors (and a few more for administrators only) to combat vandalism. Supporters of Wikipedia believe that the vast majority of attacks can be detected and corrected in a short period of time. However, this is not inevitable. Destructions such as clearing pages and adding offensive images are easy to correct in a short period of time, but many destructive behaviors can be retained for longer. For example, a user recently added extremely racist content to en:Martin Luther King Day several times, but they were not corrected until almost 4 hours later. In the current version of Wikipedia, there are also several defamatory, unfounded or obviously false claims that have existed for a long time. The Seigenthaler incident is by far the most famous example.

2) The new knowledge point

Supporters of Wikipedia often claim that undetected acts of sabotage are mainly related to low-profile items. Most undetected destructive edits are made by registered users because their edits are less subject to review than anonymous users.

3) Discussion point

In addition, discovery of damage is an important issue. Most damages are discovered through "recent changes". If there are obviously destructive content that is not discovered by those who monitor the damage on this page, they may be within a few weeks or even months. Still not noticed. Do you think there is any solution?


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