w9: When do you think we can use wikipedia as a source? LiuXinlei

 When do you think we can use wikipedia as a source?

In fact, in another course on cultural content, my professor clearly told us that if Wikipedia has reliable source footnotes, then it can be certified as a reliable content support.

This point is also my answer to this question. After a few weeks of study, I believe that we have a certain depth of understanding of Wikipedia. It is no longer to edit it at will at the beginning and find relevant ones through Google. To change the information, but to find the actual published content and regular reports to support our content editing.

Wikipedia has its own set of criteria for judging whether the source of content is true or not. In my opinion, it is a content judging standard worthy of promotion. At the same time, it can also ensure that the content of Wikipedia is authentic and effective.


  1. I'm impressed that the professor also said he trusts Wikipedia. As a student, I thought Wikipedia was a good reference when writing a report, but I believe it more because the professor said so.


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