W9 : When do you think we can use wikipedia as a source? / 박소민(SOMIN PARK)

 1. Summary

Wikipedia articles are mostly reliable. The reason why I answered so vaguely is that some articles contain information that does not have an exact source. If there is no exact source for Wikipedia articles on the topic I want to use as a resource, I will not use it. Conversely, if articles have exact sources such as articles and papers, I would write Wikipedia articles as reliable sources. 

2. Interesting point

Wikipedia has a function called "featured articles".  The article, labeled as a featured article, is a reliable article through a verification based on a reliable source. These articles are well worth using materials and are very smooth to read. When I need to use Wikipedia's resources, I think I'll make use of this featured articles a lot.

3. Discussion point

Is it correct to evaluate the credibility of Wikipedia's article based on the credibility of the cited sources?


  1. I read your post well. My thoughts about the discussion point may differ depending on the article. Because, if the article is quoted from something like news reports, it might be a little less reliable. In the case of news, there is a problem of neutrality depending on which article it is, and there are cases where the content is reported differently. So I can't be certain that Wikipedia's article is reliable or not, but if the source is clear and credible, I think it can be trusted.

  2. I agree with you~
    WIKI handed over the judgement of authority to the reader himself.The user can use his own brain to judge.

  3. Wikipedia is the best aggregation tool when we want to quickly understand the "basics" of one thing.
    But if you want real history or data for academic research, you don't choose Wikipedia, but authoritative history books or academic literature.

  4. I read your opinion well. I think featured articles are definitely what people reliable thing and use. There are many difficulties in judging reliability, but now I think it is best to evaluate it by source. I think the reason we think the source is important is that the source is responsible for the content. I think it can be trusted because it is written with responsibility.

  5. Just because the source is reliable doesn't mean Wikipedia's writing is reliable. The author may have found a suitable source to write in the direction he or she thinks. Due to confirmation bias, there is a possibility that only information that the author thinks will be found and used as a source.


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