W9/What makes information reliable?/HARI KIM


In order to trust information, fact-checking and accuracy must be based. Reliable sources are needed for fact checking and accuracy. In other words, making information reliable is an appropriate source.  Trusted sources can be materials published through a trusted publishing process and authors considered authoritative in relation to the subject matter. Or it could be both.  These qualifications must be demonstrated to others. The personal opinion of the public is unreliable. In general, academic materials such as academic papers and textbooks are the most reliable sources.

New/Interesting things I learned)

Academic material is generally considered the most reliable source. However, it is impressive that not all academic material is a reliable source. Some academic material that may compete with alternative theories or be controversial in related fields is hardly considered reliable sources. Therefore, I learned that possible academic consensus should be cited.

Discussion Point)

Wikipedia allows everyone to edit. Therefore, fake news is likely to be entered. Do you think the power of collective intelligence is still valid even now that fake news continues to be a social problem? I'm curious about your opinion.


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