W6: Who do you think edits Wikipedia? /진신


Wikipedia is an encyclopedia that anyone can edit. It opens to everyone who uses the Internet. By understanding who has contributed a lot to Wikipedia, we can see that the participation rates are different by gender and age. At the same time, the usage rate of Wikipedia in Western countries is higher than that of Asian countries. Passing data: the editorial page ratio of people 40 or older is 28%, 19% of people aged 30-39, 26% of people aged 22-29, 14% of people aged 18-21, the population under the age of 17 is 13%. It can be seen that the main editors of Wikipedia come from people 40 years old or older. At the same time, in the 2011 Wikipedia Edit rate survey, 91% of the editors were  men.


It can be viewed on the article that the contribution of women in the 20s to Wikipedia is minimal. With the development of the Internet, people aged 20 to 39 have a higher usage rate of the Internet, but those who make more editors for Wikipedia are those aged 40 or over.  And male editors are larger than female editors.


Young people have few edits to Wikipedia. How to improve young people's editing of Wikipedia?


  1. I think the reason why young people are not participating in Wikipedia is because they have other studies to focus on, rather than constantly participating in the creation and development of articles, and they recognize Wikipedia as a place to "get" information for homework.

    I think it's better to link Wikipedia to school classes to increase their participation. For example, having them edit Wiki articles, collaborate with people there, and create their own articles in classes.


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