W13: After reading "Categorization" / YANG RUIXIN

1. Summary

As a human knowledge management project for all human knowledge, Wikipedia collects, processes, and organizes the knowledge of the past thousands of years and establishes a human knowledge base,  Classified by properties are used. It is based on the discipline and nature classification of knowledge, sorting out the knowledge of all mankind into a huge, but simple and efficient system.

Wikipedia displays relevant information through navigation, subject index, subject catalog classification, entry alphabetic browsing, Q&A Q & A, entry search, new entries, recent changes, featured content, news dynamics, hot entries, and many more. Among them, the main means of performance is the classification catalog system and uses a variety of retrieval ways to cooperate and assist, to facilitate users to find, edit and read.

Compared with the classification system of Wikipedia has its own characteristics of the traditional knowledge organization system, this paper aims to analyze the characteristics and research and clarify its advantages and disadvantages compared to the traditional knowledge organization system.

2. Interesting point

Classification can see links at the bottom of each entry, After clicking in, you will see an interface like a list. For example, if you want to know the best films of a certain film director, you can go to the relevant category, If you want to know that each national per capita GDP, can go to the relevant category list.

However, when we are involved in classification work since classification work is usually very time-consuming and it takes quite a little time to correct once done wrong, it is recommended for novices to propose a classification plan to discuss with the editor before making the classification.

In conclusion, the features of Wikipedia benefit entirely from its innovative values, practices, and norms. Wikipedia's success is not how sophisticated technology is used, its innovation lies in really changing the way people cooperate, and updating and improving ways people access, process, and disseminate knowledge. What it really brings to people is the strong impact of knowledge dissemination, cognitive mode, and thinking.

At the same time, Wikipedia shows its own success that the self-organized and open Wiki concept is completely feasible and makes fundamental changes in the way of knowledge production and sharing, which makes network culture showing a trend towards diversification, openness, and openness civilians and non-authority.

3. Discussion points

Wikipedia Categorization of Wikipedia is alphabetical. In classification with many entries, one by one opens to find what we need, take a lot of time. Is it possible to determine which entry in the category is a more popular or more edited method?


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