W12/ After reading "Article development"/HARI KIM


This article contains how articles generally grow on Wikipedia. Every article begins with the contributor's idea. When you want to write an article, you should first search to find out if an article on the topic already exists or not. Redirection is appropriate if the article already exists.

Then how do you develop an article if it doesn't exist? If you don't have time for the whole article, there's a way to write a very short article, "stub." I can find a stub article and grow it, or other editors can grow my stub article. The "stub" article consists of only a few sentences, but I think it's a good attempt at writing an article because it's the beginning of an idea.

How do you develop a great Wikipedia article that deserves to be included in the 'feature article'? First of all, further research is usually needed to write a good article. You may be well aware of the need to cite reliable sources that can be verified. If you visit a university or public library, you can get a chance to find the best source. You can find a great source in "Google Scholar" without having to leave the house. After sufficient research, the writing process is needed. When writing an article, you should start with a concise introduction that makes it easier for readers to recognize. It is also important to write objectively. Finally, if you finish the article with good related images and graphics, you can make a great article.

New/Interesting things I learned)

I once had difficulty finding academic research on relevant content when writing an article. This article was good to learn more about various ways to find related academic research and articles. "Google Scholar" makes it easy to find and search articles online. And I learned that Wikipedians can apply for access to paid research databases through the Wikipedia Library Card Platform. Wikipedia library partners were many, including EBSCO, JSTOR, Infotrac, ProQuest, and others. The above academic libraries had thousands or millions of academic sources.

Discussion Point)

There are numerous articles on Wikipedia. There are also many great articles made from reliable sources. But having a good source can guarantee that it's a good article? What do you think is a good article to be included in the 'feature article' on Wikipedia?  I wonder what it would be like to be a good article only by your standards, not by Wikipedia standards.


  1. I read your post well. I think 'feature article' is very important not only for articles written from good sources but also for article neutrality. The articles of my main project are related to history because I think neutrality is particularly important in historical documents. In the process of finding data, Wikipedia can be used, and at that time, I think it will be important to show data from a neutral perspective, rather than one-sided data. And when looking for articles to be edited to proceed with the weekly assignments, many things were too lacking in explanation. So I think both quality and quantity are important.

    1. I appreciate your opinion on what good articles can be included in the 'feature article'. I agree with the opinion that article neutrality is very important. When writing articles on Wikipedia, it's important to be careful not to put biased opinions on either side. I agree that quality and quantity are also important factors in judging good articles. Thank you for your good opinion.


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