W12) What is “quality” for our societies? /양서영 YANG RUIXIN

We often say that the pursuit of "quality" is a noble behavior. To understand this, we must start from the definition of quality.

Quality is defined as "several inherent characteristics of the entity, the extent of satisfaction". This definition contains three terms, one "entity" one inherent feature, and one requirement. Let's look at how the three terms should be understood, which can help us correctly understand "quality."

Let's first just understand the concept of an entity.

An entity is defined as "anything perceived or imagined."Such as products, services, activities, people, organizations, society, … …Everything you can imagine can be called an entity. From this definition, we can think that small to a piece of paper, a cup of tea around us, big to our life, our career, our society is of quality.

What is the "inherent feature"? Literally understood, we can easily define the inherent characteristics. The so-called inherent feature is any entity that allows one entity to be different from others. For example, paper is paper because of its material characteristics and shape characteristics. Specific organizations can be significantly distinguished from other organizations because each organization has its unique mission and has its unique social value.

And the requirement should be "a demand or expectation that must be fulfilled."Requirements can come from the outside, such as customers, regulatory agencies, but the requirements can also be internalized, can come from themselves.

Combining the above 3 definitions, we can understand that quality compares the "inherent characteristics" to "the" requirements. Anything in the world, once there are requirements, there will be quality, and no requirements, you can not talk about quality.

People live in this world, and as long as there are still ideas, they are necessarily making demands on people and things that can be both for the outside world or for ourselves. When we demand on the outside world, we produce the criteria for judging the outside world, and our actions are constrained when we make demands on ourselves.

What is easy to understand is that if we only meet external requirements, our behavior is passive. Only by constantly calling on ourselves and internalization can we actively control everything.

Quality is broad, and for any entity, we can compare quality as long as requirements exist. Quality can be excellent, either good or poor. Our lives, our careers, our work, the products we produce, and the services we provide to our customers are all of the high quality. Whether it is the need for survival and competition, or the need of self - satisfaction, a noble person, a self - demand, wants to be "excellent", not "poor", and to provide the outside world with "excellent", not "poor".

Quality shows the final result, it combines everything, shows the whole, not local, the individual, and the organization is no exception. To get excellent quality, you need to have both the ability to obtain "excellent quality" and the awareness of obtaining "excellent quality". Consciousness is important, it determines our attitude, affects our behavior, and ultimately changes the outcome. But only consciousness is not enough, leave the ability to talk about "quality", can only be empty talk. 


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