W12: What is "quality" for our societies? / MINJEONG LEE

1. Summary

Quality is largely subjective and relative. It doesn't always measure by the same standards, it depends on the times and society. In particular, the faster society develops, the faster the standards of quality change. I bought a MacBook Pro in 2019 and it was the best new laptop ever. However, now that the MacBook with the M1 chip has been released, my MacBook has become relatively low quality.

2. Interesting point

Recently, there has been a movement in Korea that values "quality of life." People have various hobbies or pursue 'work life balance' to improve their quality of life. I think this phenomenon is also because standards of quality have changed as society has developed.

3. Discussion

Most Koreans pursue a 'work life balance', but it is difficult to actually realize it due to overtime work. South Korea has long working hours in the world. Can't our society keep up with the times yet? I wonder if making a lot of money by working hard without a break will improve the quality of life, or if working moderately and enjoying leisure will improve the quality of life.


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