w12: What is "quality" for our societies?


What is "quality" for our societies?


Quality refers to the total things that nature, value, usefulness, and rating of an object. In addition, criteria exist to determine quality. The criteria here are relative, not absolute. When asked to evaluate the quality of our society now, people will judge our society for different reasons. Each of these criteria is not a matter of right or wrong. It's just that each other's thoughts are different. However, I personally hope that when evaluating the quality of our society, we would like to evaluate non-material "value" rather than material. In modern times when capitalism prevails, people evaluate quality based on money. In that case, our society can focus only on matter, ignore the values beyond it, and live a desolate life.


It evaluated 'OECD countries' national happiness levels from 2018 to 2020. Here, the basic data of the national happiness index is based on gross domestic product, working hours, fine dust concentration, life expectancy, and poverty rate for the elderly. South Korea ranked 35th out of 37 countries with 5.85 points out of 10.


Happiness is invisible, so it can be difficult to evaluate. Therefore, it is hard to say that the national happiness survey conducted on OECD countries is 100% certain. However, why is our country's happiness index lower than other countries in the survey? And what criteria do you think should be included when evaluating the national happiness index?


  1. I read your comments very well. When I evaluate the quality of society, I think that the invisible should be higher than the material. In order for all the members of society to live in an integrated life, it is absolutely impossible in terms of material things, so we need an ideal evaluation, such as values, to some extent. I think the reason why our country's happiness index is low is due to the uncomfortable atmosphere. It's important to do it quickly, so it's inevitable that a lot of stress builds up because people don't admit to taking a break for a while.


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