w12:Article development LiuXinlei

 This article tells us the classification of various articles on Wikipedia. It is not only the writing methods and formats of various articles, but also a detailed introduction of various methods that can help improve the quality of articles. We can see that publishing an article on Wikipedia is not only an end point, it will also have content filling and formatting changes over time in the future, and there will be many people who will help you and help you because of article problems. The article becomes a better content article.

I find it interesting that it was mentioned before when we discussed the quality of the article. It is the relationship between time and the quality of the article. Before we concluded that the quality of the article is determined by the current background and era, and the quality of the article is fluid. This point is also reflected in this article, which means that the article in Wikipedia is not fixed, it can be changed and deleted at any time.

Do you think that Wikipedia's editing methods can really improve the quality of articles or maintain the quality of articles?


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