W13: After reading "Categorization" / Park Chan Young (박찬영)

1. Summary

This article explains the categorization function in Wikipedia. The primary purpose of a category system is to enable readers to quickly find information on a topic. When naming a category, it is recommended to be as accurate as possible. All Wikipedia pages must belong to at least one category The categorization of articles should be verifiable and neutral. Categorization should generally be uncontroversial. When categorizing articles, the most important thing is to define the characteristics of the topic. 

2. Interesting point

'Diffusing Categories' was very interesting. The process of diffusion was interesting. It diffuse in such a way that subcategories belong to the parent categories or coexist. This does not mean that all subcategories function as "diffusion". This is called a non-diffusion subcategories. Subcategories defined by gender, ethnicity, religion, and sex should be subcategories that almost always do not diffuse.

3. Discussion

Have you ever used Wikipedia to get help from a categories? In what ways was it helpful??


  1. I think the section "categorization" helps categorize articles, but also helps to summarize articles briefly. Of course, it's too short to officially call it a summary.


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