W13 : After reading Categorization


W13 : After reading "Categorization"

Shinhee Kim


Categorization is a system that helps you quickly find topics related to a page. Up to 200 category items can be displayed on the screen, and you can create new categories for yourself. It cannot be duplicated in the lower category and the upper category, and must be placed in the most detailed category to avoid confusion. Sorting categories is also designed to help you find what you are looking for much faster if you understand the set rules. The classification of management categories is divided into two types, which are divided into Administrative categories and Content categories. There are categories that you use to check the status of articles or categorize pages that are not articles, and there are categories that make it easier for users to find articles.

Interesting thing I learned

I found that you can also add category tags to files or images. It seems to be an effective management method. In addition, I found that there is a user category, which helps communication and collaboration between users within it.


When setting up categories, where can you turn to for help when it is difficult to accurately classify Large or Subcategorization?


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