W13 : After reading "Category"


W13 : After reading "Category"

Shinhee Kim


A category is a grouping of pages with similar content. You can check the category at the bottom of the article page, and click on it to see more related content. It contains subcategories listing other categories that are further broken down, and Pages listing other namespaces. You can also search within categories, and when looking for categories related to articles, use the "What links here" tool to easily find items in a category. Among the contents of the category, the category that needs to be watched is included in the watchlist and the category is managed through monitoring.

Interesting thing I learned

The structure of finding specific articles within a category is very efficient. If you check the pages by searching within the category you need to research, you will be able to find the pages you are looking for and other helpful resources. I also discovered that there is a feature to hide categories.


It is said that the function to hide the category is mainly used to hide the display of the project maintenance category. In addition to these uses, are there situations in which categories should be hidden? If so, what categories of content are appropriate to hide?


  1. Shinhee, your blogging is very impressive. What you find interesting is very similar to what I find interesting in this lecture. Because I also thought that the structure of finding a desired article within a category is a very appropriate way to find useful information that I did not think of.
    The search method that narrows down the information you want through categories is really impressive.


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