W13 : 'Categorization' / 최재민


Categorization is a system that helps users find related topics faster. Nearly 200 categories will appear on your screen, and users can, of course, add new categories autonomously. Naturally, categories are not copied into categories above or below to avoid confusion. Categorizing categories is also systematized to make it easier for users to find. There are many categories that users can check and use. The category is reasonably helpful when users find the information or documents they want.

I think categories are a necessary system for using certain search and digital functions, as well as Wikipedia. However, it may be different how autonomous the user can use and control the category. Wikipedia's category is very impressive. Flexible categories can eventually create flexible search and study.

Well, actually, there are a lot of useful things about categories, but I think they can be toxic.
Let me give you an example. If there are too many categories, if there are thousands, would that be useful? If category selection is possible autonomously, to what extent would it be most reasonable to create a category?


  1. I am also concerned about too many categories. This is because the information needed by the people who need it may not be reached. So I think it would be nice to have a 'tag' function on Wikipedia.


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