w13 Categorization



This article is a guide to the proper use of Wikipedia's classification features. When naming a category, one should be particularly careful and choose its name accurately.

Note that in many instances a topic category and a set category have similar names, the topic category being singular and the set category plural. General rules were largely intuitively easy to understand. This is a really subtle classification criterion. In cases where, for technical reasons, administration categories appear directly on articles rather than talk pages, they should be made into hidden categories , so that they are not displayed to readers.


I find it quite essential to create the appropriate category when writing a new article. And user pages don't belong to any category. At first, when I made the article, I didn't put the appropriate category so it was framed as a non-category article. I realized that I had to put a category after seeing it. And in another article, someone else added some appropriate categories. Collaboration with the help of others to improve the completeness of the article is a very harmonious experience.


Do you think it's good to apply as many categories as possible? Or would it be better to only cover the categories that you think are most appropriate?


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