W13: redirects (extra blogging)

Wikipedia: redirects

The content related to the redirect mentioned in this lecture is interesting. A redirect page by itself does not function as a complete piece of content, but serves as a link for Wikipedia searchers to other articles related to the search keyword. In other words, there is no article on Wikipedia that exactly matches the keyword searched by the user, but it can be said to help users find the information they want by recommending pages related to it.

I think redirects like this are an interesting feature. Because it can also help you discover information you never thought possible. For example, when searching for A, this is because it informs about 1,2,3 related to A, because after all, these 1,2,3 are also related to A, so that it fits the user's interest. In addition, I think that it provides an opportunity for users to think more extensively about certain information.

In fact, I used to think these redirect pages were unnecessary because they didn't show exactly the information I wanted. However, this lecture changed my existing thinking. I think that such a redirect activates the connection between Wikipedia's information and contributes to creating a richer Wikipedia.


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