week3 - how do we participate in Web 2.0? how do we create the modern day culture?


We communicate on the Internet. This is something that everyone thinks naturally but could not have imagined just decades ago. We must therefore be aware of the characteristics of these things. For us, the Internet is a huge thing. We should also know that communicating on the Internet is different from reality, but not different. The Internet is all owner and responsible. That is why we must be able to focus on the eternal.


I knew the Internet didn't have an owner. The Internet is something that everyone takes care of themselves. In other words, like nature, there is no owner, but everyone has to use their strength to protect it. That is why we need to know the culture and rules of the Internet properly and hard to follow.


What would have happened if the Internet hadn't been released for free? Did we still exchange opinions using letters and so on? Or did he use something better than the Internet? We should be grateful for the Internet and look at its greatness.


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