week8 - do you agree with his idea that our society is now having a cognitive surplus, and with it, the unprecedented ability to express ourselves and change the world?


We can live a rich life. We are inundated with information. But the quality is not good enough. It is a lot, but we have to think again about whether it is of good quality. This is a big problem for us. It's more than just quantity, it's quality. We are well aware of these things. What we need is to know properly. Simply knowing much is not important and what we need is knowing properly.


We live a life of abundant knowledge. It tells us a lot of things. We are rich but on the other hand poor. We have to think again about which is the right thing. Because this is what we really need. What kind of life are we living?


What do we need now? Which one should we look at? Will we ever be able to prepare for the future? What does the future ask of us? Could Wikipedia be the answer for us?


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