week8 - what do you find most enjoyable?


Wikipedia is a funny thing. You can show off your knowledge and judge who is more accurate and correct. This is groundbreaking and beneficial to all of us. Someone may be right, but it may not be right. It is very important to tell us this. It is also very helpful for us to find clear evidence and sources of that. It is often said that logic beats logic. This is because there is no basis or source.


I could see the fun of Wikipedia. Wikipedia can become our playground beyond just any information-driven tool. Wikipedia has made our lives even more prosperous. We are experiencing the greatness of Wikipedia. That's why we should always be grateful to Wikipedia and try to protect him.


Wikipedia will also disappear one day. Then when will it be? For what reason will Wikipedia disappear? Can we see why it disappears? How will our lives change because of Wikipedia? We need to be able to think about this again. Wikipedia's influence is enormous.


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