week8 - why?


Wikipedia was created for a reason. That is quite different from what it is now. We can look at such things. Wikipedia has evolved against its original intentions. That's because people made it together. Wikipedia doesn't belong to anyone. Wikipedia was able to be this way with the power of all of us, not anyone. That is why initial intentions do not matter. However, the current appearance is important.


The initial purpose of Wikipedia is fascinating. This is quite different from what we know, so people's collective intelligence is great. There are Wikipedia because there are people. The greatness of Wikipedia is the greatness of Sarah. That's why we're going to have to keep building Wikipedia. We are part and parcel of Wikipedia.


What would have happened if Wikipedia had initially intended it? Did we make Wikipedia the way it is or did we make it? Can we also predict the future of Wikipedia? Or will it continue into the future just the way it is?


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