W14: Wikipedia:Did you know / Sohee Heo

Wikipedia aims to create an encyclopedia that can contain all of people's knowledge fields and maintain its meaning. The English version of Wikipedia is said to produce and expand a huge amount of new articles every day.

DYK aims to achieve the following objectives.
Wikipedia continues to expand and always has to show new and improved content.
Wikipedia has a wide range of information and must provide insight into the material.
It is imperative that the facts be presented.
It should also encourage readers to edit or begin writing.

When various people gather to write a single article, various writings can be added or decreased within a single topic. Therefore, Wikipedia must have strict regulations to move toward existing goals without blurring the essence, and it must be able to provide an environment in which it can write freely.

It was designed to capture all of the above. I think it's DYK.


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