W15: What did I learn while editing Wikipedia? / Sohee Heo

 Wikipedia is considered the best web service that many people can access with a single topic and different perspectives. In modern society, countless pieces of information are pouring out, and we are always at a crossroads where we have to find the truth and judge what is right or wrong.

In the end, the truth can be found through refined information in the encyclopedia.
The democratization of information is not information that is written by experts in power over a particular discourse and planted in countless people. Wikipedia is the information we produce and consume ourselves.

Wikipedia is the place where I find the truth, prove the truth, and share certain ideas that I knew. The reason for Wikipedia's existence has always been clear, and the goals it pursues are the same, so I think Wikipedia is a necessary service for our lives in the future.

Did you enjoy writing Wikipedia? Of course, you can answer yes to the question. This semester was my last college term. The fact that the last semester was a non-face-to-face class was a big change for me, but perhaps it means a lot to finish a semester while working and taking classes at the same time. After work, I studied Wikipedia and carried out my Wikipedia assignments.
Although I finished the semester with less achievements than others, I was able to learn a lot by writing Wikipedia and looking back on what I had learned once again. During his four-year college life, he attended various Wikipedia-related classes, including invitations to sociology and collective intelligence. I've learned a lot, and I can't access Wikipedia by learning now, but I think I'll always be there for surfing and searching for information.


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