W3: Nupedia / Heo Sohee

 1. Summary

 Nupidia is a website created by Wikipedia creator Jimmy Wales. It existed for three years from 2000 and, unlike Wikipedia, was a site written by experts. CNET described the site as one of the greatest non-existent sites in history.

Unlike Wikipedia, Nupidia had to undergo verification by experts in each field when it was posted. This ensures the accuracy of the content, but it becomes impossible to share information quickly. This is considered to have hindered Nupidia's growth.

2. Interesting Point

I first learned about the existence of Nupidia. It was interesting to be able to share information from various fields on one page. In the early 2000s, it seems to be significant that there is a place to share and share various information in an era where information is less fast than it is now.

3. Discussion Point

What is currently replacing Nupidia's role?


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