W5: Wales and Sanger / Sohee Heo

   1. Summary

To pick two of Wikipedia's most influential people, two co-founders are chosen.
Among them, "Sanger" worked on developing and managing Wikipedia rules.
He held an important position at Wikipedia, but resigned.

He alienated some Wikipedia people and focused on creating a professional-friendly encyclopedia.

2. Interesting Point

Sanger couldn't afford to lose healthy contributors to Wikipedia with a few unnecessary haters. It then sanctioned abnormal users and interfered with their actions.
It was different from what other co-founders thought.

Rather, "Wales" did not interfere relatively, judged that Wikipedia could solve the problem on its own, and did not engage in any major problems.

3. Discussion Point

It's amazing that Wikipedia believed it could solve small problems on its own.
He pushed this belief to the end, and in conclusion he was right.
I would have voted for Sanger's words if I were him.


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