W6: Encyclopedic Anxiety / Sohee Heo

Now the way contents are produced has changed. It is also not surprising that people evaluate this collaboration. We have pursued the most common encyclopedia ever. I think Wikipedia is the reality of what I dreamed of.

These advances in technology are always at the center of controversy.

Those who fail to keep up with the development of technology will go on criticizing it to the end.

Until the existence of smartphones, the range of contents we knew was limited. Therefore, when Wikipedia first appeared in the world, it would have grown up with people's doubts and doubts.

In 2021, we look at smartphones and join various communities to create various me.
Facing hundreds of events and encountering various opinions from the world.
Whenever that happens, what we seek is the most neutral truth, universal opinion. Isn't Wikipedia the most convenient and easy for us to identify them?

Anyone can write, anyone can edit.
I think Wikipedia's values and values are, after all, the most needed site in the present time when diversity exists.


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