W7. Good Faith Collaboration

 This book <Good Faith Collaboration> is written by Joseph M. Reagle Jr., which deals with Wikipedia and Wikipedia community topics. It has been described as an ethnographic study of Wikipedia's culture, including history, real-world situations and theoretical pioneers, consensus and cooperative practices.


This book consists of 8 chapters. Among them, chapters 3 and 4 begin with the ethnographic part of this book. They discuss why Wikipedia accomplished its intended purpose. Chapter 4 focuses on licensing issues, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 focus on decision-making processes within Wikipedia. Chapter 7 analyzes popular and critical discussions about Wikipedia, including concerns about the widespread amateurism of the project.


Many scholars praised the contents of this book. To introduce one of them, Professor Poitr Konieczny, who reviewed the book for Social Forces in 2014, said it has earned itself a place of a classic in the study of Wikipedia, although it does not address all possible aspects of the Wikipedia project. I also think this book contains well-discussed topics about Wikipedia.



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