W9. Do you think Wikipedia is relibale? Why or why not?

I think Wikipedia is reliable. Wikipedia is the content that always appears at the top of Google's search result. On the contrary, some people might say Wikipedia is not to be trusted. Of course, there have been times when there has been bad controversy, and there is also the issue of bias. Since it is an open encyclopedia where anyone can edit information, someone uploads fake information maliciously. However, Wikipedia already has an alternative system in place for the problem, and is constantly identifying the problem and discussing solutions.


If a groundless document is created or modified, it will be deleted or restored in less than a second. Such a device is in place in Wikipedia editing tools. As part of my biggest concern, the problem of Wikipedia being broken by editors who maliciously create fake documents or secretly undermine documents is to be difficult to actually occur. Although fake information can be spread for a while, it is to be difficult to maintain for a long time because of Wikipedia's editing system. If a strange editor with no trust or reputation posts fake information, other editors will ask for evidence and sources. On this basis, I think Wikipedia is reliable, no matter how open it is.


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